Corporate & Commercial


Top Advice

Manager C-130J (Hercules) Service Delivery
Airbus in Australia Pacific

Alex Le Fevre

If you have one piece of advice for young women considering a career in aviation what would it be?

Do what you love. If you love the thrill and process of flying, explore aviation. If you love the ‘nuts and bolts’ of how things work, do engineering. Whatever you enjoy, get involved early. High school is the perfect time to explore what you enjoy as you have the time.

Also, the best advice I ever received is to cover your bases. I did physics, maths, several languages, psychology and English to make sure I had a few options after school. If you don’t know what you want to do, that’s OK!

If you could go back and give your younger self advice what would it be?

Stress less and go easy on yourself. It’s good to have a direction and goals, but it’s not the end of the world if something goes wrong and you have to adjust things. I didn’t get into the language and psychology courses I initially wanted at Uni, but I think it turned out way better in the end!

Full of opportunity for travel
and career growth

You enjoy a corporate role in a fast paced, innovative environment. Commercial and corporate roles in aviation are interesting and full of opportunity for travel and career growth. Due to the constant movement of aircraft, crew and the operation no two days are ever the same.

Once you’re working within the industry there’s a high degree of mobility between roles and between employers. You might be contributing to product design on an aircraft; ensuring the business is profitable by planning the best route network, negotiating airport landing rights or ground handling contracts at each airport. It takes the contributions of a full team of people for an airline, airport or air services organisation to run efficiently.



Do what you love. If you love the thrill and process of flying, explore aviation.

Alex Le Fevre, Manager C-130J (Hercules) Service Delivery, Airbus in Australia Pacific