

General Entry

  • Entry Requirements 1: Year 10 with passes in English and Maths
  • Entry Requirements 2: Some roles require higher education qualifications

If you aren’t sure of your career direction, or you want to complete a trade, or you are seeking a job that doesn’t require a degree, you can enter the Defence through the General Entry pathway. Initial training takes place at one of the Navy, Army or Airforce training establishments and the duration of training varies from 7 weeks to 22 weeks.

Officer Entry

  • Entry Requirements 1: Year 12 with passes in English and Maths, and specific subjects as required
  • Entry Requirements 2: Some roles require tertiary studies be undertaken

Officer Entry is available if you have passed Year 12 or if you are currently an undergraduate, a graduate or a qualified professional. If you are interested in joining Defence as an officer and pursuing a professional career by obtaining a degree there are several options available. You can join the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) and undertake a degree course paid for by the Defence in parallel with your military training, and receive a salary while studying. Or you can go to the University of your choice and receive sponsorship from the Defence to pay for you to complete your degree and your remaining fees, for a return of service.

Initial training takes place at one of the Navy, Army or Airforce training establishments and the duration of training varies from 7 weeks to 22 weeks. This is then followed by further employment training in your role.